It is easy to look around and make the statement “things must change.” How easy it is to look at others around us and to look at situations around and immediately make that declaration, and yet when it comes to being honest with ourselves it’s not as easy. I am reminded of the song by Michael Jackson entitled the “Man in the Mirror”. In that song he states very eloquently, “I’m starting with the man in the mirror. I am asking him to change his ways. No message could be any clearer if you want to make the world a better place take a look at yourself and make a change.” If change begins with me the first thing I have to do is be honest with myself. I wrote an article entitled, “misplaced anger” in the article I challenged our mental state by looking at a situation that affects us and being painfully honest as to who is the primary culprit for our current situation. Life is full of introspection. If I truly want to live a full life I must dissect what are the obstacles that hinder me from being the best I can be. Here are some examples.
•My finances are meager – are they meager because of how you spend your resources? Are they meager because you do nothing to improve your skills so that you can make more money? If you are not being a good steward of the resources God has given you why in the world would God increase your resources? Check your spending habits.
•My life sucks – does it suck because you are the type of person who can never seem the positive side of life? Do you fail to appreciate your health, the very air that you breathe? Do you view a cup filled half way to be half empty or half full? Check your views on life and discover if you speak life into your situation or death. If you can’t see the beauty in the little things that God has placed in your view; the ocean, the sky, the green grass, the cool of the wind, the warmth of the sun, the light and majesty of the moon, then it’s hard to see how you will ever come out of this mental state of life sucking.
•My marriage is dead – is it dead or are you dead? What are you doing to breathe life back into it? The bible says that marriage is honorable. It states that the marriage bed is undefiled and more importantly we are reminded that it’s a good thing, God created it. Marriage is perfect it’s the imperfect people who come together and mess it up. See marriage through the eyes of God and seek His assistance at restoring the union.
•My children are out of control – Are they out of control because you failed to parent? Were you more focused on your own goals and dreams than your children? Where you too busy trying to be their friend than being their parent? If you can’t embrace your children as true gifts from God and endeavor to parent according to the scriptures you will find yourself distraught about your children all the time.
•I am not a happy person – Why? You must search yourself and find out where the unhappiness stems from. It’s not up to other people to make you happy, happiness comes from within. If you can’t look at your life and find the good that God has given you, how can you ever find true happiness?
•I hate my job – Are you thankful first and foremost that you have a job? If you hate your job what are you doing to make a career move? You have to position yourself for greater opportunity. Let’s face it if you can’t praise God for what’s been provided at this juncture in your life why in the world would He promote you? Trust me if you don't change your view on your employment situation you will continue the pattern of disappointments.
•I hate my body – You can control many aspects of this. How do you honor your body? What disciplines have you put into place? No matter what your current situation you must see yourself as being fearfully and wonderfully made. Embrace every aspect of your physique realizing that God made you unique.
The list can go on and I’m sure you can add some of your own ails to this list. While it’s important to list ails you must also be willing to identify the cure. The cure comes from your outlook on life. You must change how you view your current situation and learn to embrace the journey God has chosen to take you through. You must trust God every step of the way always remembering the good work that He has begun in you He is faithful to see you through.
Life is a set of ups and downs, a set of challenges, a set of victories, a set of failures, and a compilation of highs and lows and yet through it all we are reminded that all things work together for the good for those who LOVE the Lord (look up what it truly means to love the Lord) and are called according to His purpose. Paul reminds us, a principle we must embrace in order to find inner peace, “whatever state God sees fit to place me in I am content.” This means whatever job you have right now you will thank God daily for the provisions. This means your marriage you will thank God for the journey, the discovery, and restoration of it. You will look at everything that you find no joy in and fight to be transformed by the renewing your mind and begin to live your life through the lens of the Creator.
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