For example:
- You can control what goes into your body, every element.
- You can control your weight.
- You can control your attitude and all that goes into the development of it.
- You can control what toxins you allow in your life that poison your system. These toxins are not just environmental elements or substances, but they are also words from other people, and they are other people.
- You can control the education you receive and within that you control content.
- You can control your spiritual growth and spiritual development.
The greater conversation is are you willing to control those elements and help develop “that”, that is the essence of YOU?
There is plenty that has happened to in your life and you are feeding off of those things. Things such as:
- You never knew your father or he doesn’t love you and from there you’ve decided no man will ever love you.
- You had an abortion and you haven’t been able to forgive yourself.
- You have not been able to have children and from there you’ve decided that you are half rather than a whole women.
- You have been physically abused by all the men I’ve dated, whether physical or mental so to protect yourself you’ve decided you want nothing to do with men or even worse you’ve decided there must be something wrong with you that make men abuse you.
- You feel you’ve never been loved and from there you’ve decided it must be because you are unlovable.
- You’ve been hurt by Christians, you’ve been disillusioned from the churches you’ve attended so you want nothing to do with Christian’s.
- A loved one has died who you felt was a good person and you’re angry at God for allowing them to die. You are disillusion by this God is who is supposed to be so loving.

You must decide starting today that you are in control of your life. You must declare today that no one, but God can define you. You must forgive yourself for anything that you’ve done that has harmed others or estranged you from God and seek God’s favor in your life. You must embrace your life as one with great purpose, great promise, great joy, great reward, and great outcomes as you play an active role in its journey. You must look at the things that have happened to you, as hurtful as they may have been, and decide today that no longer will you give anyone the power to hurt you, define you, or control you (except of course the Holy Spirit).

So I say to you today, say good bye to those who have hurt you and forgive them. It is by your forgiveness of them that you can move forward bountifully in the Lord. Refuse to intimately allow anyone in your world who does not want the best for you, guard your heart and your mind zealously and see life through the lenses of the Holy Scripture and take the stand that no weapon formed against you will prosper because you serve a God who has promised that He would fight your battles. You dearest are a timeless pearl, you are truly fearfully and wonderfully made. God knew and knows exactly what He’s doing regarding you. So remember if you concern yourself with the things of God He will concern Himself with your things.
Tune in tomorrow for the closing article “The Complete Strands of Pearls”.
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