No one does me better than me. This is a reality all must accept in order to reach a place of contentment, a place of peace, and a place of self-empowerment. Unfortunately so many people look at others and wish for what they have. Or they immediately become insecure and take an immediate disliking to the person who is doing nothing more than doing themselves. We have this uncanny disposition to “hate” on people for no reason at all. It’s ironic to me how instead of endeavoring to become more like the person we feel jealousy towards we plot to bring them down, harm them, gossip about them, and work equally as hard to discredit their character. How do you know when you’ve too can say you are great at doing you? Glad you asked. Here are a couple of nuggets.
- When you can look at yourself in the mirror and love the you that looks back at you – you will thrive at being you.
You also must be endowed with the following truth:
- Nothing can happen in your life that God doesn’t allow. Anything pertaining to you must first get permission from God. In order to know whether that “something” is due to pruning or correction you must view your life through the lens of the bible. Are your efforts to be a reflection of Christ genuine?
- You are fully equipped, keeping in mind the promise of God that He will not put anything more on you than you can bear. This means whatever comes your way you are fully prepared to deal with “it” head on. Because you can rest in this knowledge, as long as you trust God, you get to leave all the consequences up to Him. Another scripture reminds you that you can do all things through Christ who strengthens you!
Nothing harmful thing can come up against you. That is of course if you believe the promise that no weapon formed against you shall prosper. The other realization is, “if God is for you who can be against you?”
- As long as you are living your life according to God’s instruction you rest in the truth that when your ways please God He will make you at peace with your enemies. You can also trust if you delight in Him, He will give you the desires of your heart.
- All your needs will be met, because you go it, another promise has been made to that affect. The scriptures states God shall supply all your needs according to His riches in glory.
You stand on the truth that you are fearfully and wonderfully made. This means everything about your physique is perfect and made to specification.
- The talents and gifts that have been bestowed upon you are uniquely yours to fulfill as only you can fulfill them.
So with those things in mind who could be better at doing you than you? You don’t have to look at other people around you and get an attitude, wish for their things, or covet their life because you have a phenomenal life ahead of you that will decidedly flourish based upon you participation. While it is true things have been deeply embedded in your heart and mind, it is your responsibility to blossom fully within the gifts directly linked to you. We are to stir up the gifts and make excellent use of them.

In order to perfect those gifts then:
- You must take classes, get instruction, obtain a mentor, and practice honing those gifts, skills, and talents.
- You must give maximum effort to exploring the breadth, width, and height those skills, talents, and gifts will afford.
- You must be willing to use them to their fullest.
- You must be willing to share your gifts, talents, and skills.
- You must be attentive to the prompting of God as He positions you to go to various levels in your life.
- You must be available as opportunities are brought your way. You must be quiet and ensure that the direction you are heading in is the direction that you should go. You must trust if there is a door that you are to go through God will open it. Conversely if there is a door He does not want you to go through He will close it.
Bottom line if you remain focused on the plans that have been established for you, and you pursue the things that are available based upon your persistent and faithful actions, then you succeed at doing you and you can rejoice in other’s who too, are great at doing them!
Great job explaining how much our self worth really means. Excited to read other novels and blogs by Ms. Angela Harris