I went to Savannah Georgia over the Fourth of July weekend for my brother’s wedding. While there I met a woman who was a breast cancer survivor who spoke of her experience sharing with me a letter she wrote in a breast cancer survivor contest (the letter is at the end of the article). What stood out for me was how she signed the letter “Mrs. Mobley, life uninterrupted” and of course it made me take a look at life and ask the question – Am I living a life uninterrupted? While I ponder the notion I ask you, are you living a life uninterrupted or are you living a life that has been interrupted – halted? So many things and issues can enter our lives that bring our lives to a screeching halt. The truth of the matter is we actually control whether our lives are interrupted or not.
As a gentle reminder these articles are never meant to minimalize or marginalize your pain, your frustrations, or your disappointments. They are meant to encourage you, give you hope, calm your fears and give you a brighter outlook on your future -- so as always bear with me.

Here are ten steps to living a life uninterrupted:
1. Determine the value of the incident and ask yourself if it’s worth your time any energy? Take the time to look into the situation and evaluate how you got to this place. Look at the role you played in the situation –forgive yourself and them and move on. Failing to forgive yourself or them keeps you in limbo.
2. Stop repeating bad behavior. Learn from lessons learned.
3. Eliminate things and people from your life who have a tendency to cause interruptions – before they knock you out.
4. Focus on and only allow those things in your life that will build you up and encourage you.
5. Learn to identify the signs that cause interruptions and stop them before they take root. Quick example – in relationships there are some behaviors you know off the bat that lead to unhealthy outcomes. Just simply say “NO”. You deserve better.
6. Purpose in your heart that you will only accept the best that God has for you. Let’s make this clear anything that you have to demand to receive is not genuine. Genuine attitudes and behaviors are a natural part of the person’s character which you receive freely. If you have to demand then you are trying to change behavior which is not your responsibility to do unless of course it’s your child.
7. Find extreme value in you. Understand that if you don’t value yourself then how can you truly expect someone to value you.
8. Set standards and stick to them - in all relationships.
9. Refuse to be defeated.
10. Affirm yourself daily – affirmations: “I am fearfully and wonderfully made”, "I am complete in Christ no one takes away or adds to me”, "I am the apple of God’s eye and He desires to be with me”, "If God is for me who can be against me”, “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me”, and “My God shall supply all of my needs according to His riches and glory”. Add your own affirmations to these.
So I salute you beloved as you live a life uninterrupted never to be knocked out.
Read the beauty story of a woman in discovery of herself during the most difficult time in her life!
At the age of 33 my life changed. In September of 2007, I, this young mother and wife was given a death sentence. That was how I looked at it on the day it was confirmed that I had the big "C" cancer. The conformation was given on a Thursday while I was at work. I completed my day at work in a fog trying to figure out how I was going to tell my husband and children, that I had this silent killer. It hit home really hard. We cried together as a family and then my husband and I cried and prayed in private as a couple.

On that day, I cried one last time for the young lady that I knew who was gone forever and for the woman I would become. In understanding that God did not reveal it to me so that I could die (I found my own lump or should I say we). He revealed it so I could live! I had 2 little girls and a husband to fight for so I fought and remained positive. I never had a bad day even on the not so good days, because every day I’d open my eyes to see my mother, husband and babies was a good day. I am ending this letter with a smile.
Sincerely Tamara Mobley
Life not interrupted
Hi Angela,
ReplyDeleteThank you for taking the time to honor me in such a beautiful way